3DS Max – Floor Generator Plugins

Today I present something must have for all interior/exterior visualizers and not only.

CG Source released 3 plugins/scripts for 3DS Max up to version 2013:

  • FloorGenerator is a script for 3dsmax which generates floor objects consisting of individual boards which can easily be textured using MultiTexture.
  • MultiTexture Map is a plugin for 3dsmax that loads multiple textures and assigns them randomly, either by object or by material ID. With controls to randomly adjust the gamma, hue and saturation.
  • UniqueMaterialID is a small script for 3dsmax to assign unique material ID to each element inside an object.

Here you can find detailed tutorial by Bertrand Benoit about Using Floor Generator Script .

From Here you can download some free sets of textures to use with the Floor Generator kindly shared by Mário Nogueira.

floor generator



AutoCAD – add custom pattern

Hello everyone,

After yesterday post you are probably wondering how to add a new pattern to AutoCAD.
You need to copy pattern files to your AutoCAD support directory. Usually it is e.g.:
C:\Program Files\AutoCAD 2010\Support
C:\Program Files\Autodesk\AutoCAD 2Hatches Autocad013\Support

New patterns will appear on the bottom of your pattern list in AutoCAD 2013Hatch_Custom_Menu

or in older AutoCADs choose Custom from Type and pattern list.

AutoCAD & Revit – Free Hatches

I have a present for all of you – two patterns (hatches):
Sitework Earth 45 – rotated by 45 deg.
I created them by myself to use them in Revit.
Earth 45 – because there is no way to rotate a pattern in a section.
Rhombus – to use as a hatch representing insulation.
Later I change the scale by 100 to use them in AutoCAD.

You can use them free of charge even for commercial use.

You can download them here (zipped):


REVIT 2014 – What’s new?

Finally REVIT 2014 is out.

They implemented about 5 issues (maybe 10 partly) from my list of 128 improvements which I have sent to them about two months ago. No to good but at least something.

What they did definitely will make thinks easier but still they have long why to go.

What’s new on Autodesk WikiHelp – compact list.

What’s new on autodesk-revit.blogspot.co.uk – good description.

What’s new for those who have time to listen (18min for architects/32 total):

More videos by Autodesk Building Solutions on Youtube

Finally a link to my long list of 128 Revit improvements.

AutoCAD – how to open a block in the Block Editor

Today a problem arose. I like to have a menu under a right-click of my mouse (with other useful commands) but my colleague get use to use Enter on that button. How then to open a block in the Block Editor she asked?

There is a command BEDIT ( BE or what ever is specified in the acad.pgp file) or a toolbar to open blocks in-place (or you can double click the block). But there is no toolbar icon to open a block in the Block Editor accept a right-click menu.

However there is a command which is not even listed in the acad.pgp file.
-BEDIT” opens selected block in the Block Editor. You can add that command to a acad.pgp command list with a shortcut e.g. “-BE“. It will work. Somehow AutoCAD 2013 is smarter and activates that command with a shortcut not even listed in the acad.pgp file.

Also in AutoCAD 2013 there is a predefined command with an icon in User Interface which can be easily added to any toolbar or tab.

-BEDIT in Autodesk Help

Have a good weekend everyone 🙂

Photoshop: Turning off the Pixel Grid

I have stick in the office, technical problems with Overground again, and that’s why I can post another small tip. Something that annoyed me in PS – the Pixel Grid when you zoom in over 600%. It is turned on by default probably since CS5.

How to turn it off:

1. Permanently: select View > Show > Pixel Grid. To turn it off make sure Pixel Grid is unchecked. Photoshop will remember that setting.

2.Temporarily: select View >Extras  or press Ctrl+h (Command + h on Mac)

This will also turn off Grids, Guides, Layer Edges… everything under the Show menu. Next time when you open PS they will be turned on.


If you don’t see the pixel grid menu option, then you most likely haven’t got OpenGL enabled in your Photoshop preferences. To fix this, select the Edit > Preferences > Performance… menu option. Make sure that Enable OpenGL Drawing is checked.



Revit – Showing overhead lines.

This issue was brought up during a project I was working on buck in Poland. Very simple little tip that I think will help many people using lots of other crazy workarounds.

1.Go to Properties/Underlay and choose the level (above) on which is the object you want to show as overhead.
2.From Modify tab choose “Linework” tool (LW).
3.Select desired line style.
4.Amend desired overhead (hidden) lines with that tool.
5 No you can switch off Underlay by choosing “None” and overhead (or hidden) lines will stay on your plan even if you amend the object they are showing.

Here is tuorial from “The Revit Kid.com”