Category Archives: Textures

3DS Max – Floor Generator Plugins

Today I present something must have for all interior/exterior visualizers and not only.

CG Source released 3 plugins/scripts for 3DS Max up to version 2013:

  • FloorGenerator is a script for 3dsmax which generates floor objects consisting of individual boards which can easily be textured using MultiTexture.
  • MultiTexture Map is a plugin for 3dsmax that loads multiple textures and assigns them randomly, either by object or by material ID. With controls to randomly adjust the gamma, hue and saturation.
  • UniqueMaterialID is a small script for 3dsmax to assign unique material ID to each element inside an object.

Here you can find detailed tutorial by Bertrand Benoit about Using Floor Generator Script .

From Here you can download some free sets of textures to use with the Floor Generator kindly shared by Mário Nogueira.

floor generator