Revit – Showing overhead lines.

This issue was brought up during a project I was working on buck in Poland. Very simple little tip that I think will help many people using lots of other crazy workarounds.

1.Go to Properties/Underlay and choose the level (above) on which is the object you want to show as overhead.
2.From Modify tab choose “Linework” tool (LW).
3.Select desired line style.
4.Amend desired overhead (hidden) lines with that tool.
5 No you can switch off Underlay by choosing “None” and overhead (or hidden) lines will stay on your plan even if you amend the object they are showing.

Here is tuorial from “The Revit”

Sketchup – Joint Push Pull Plugin

In previous post about I miss out one very interesting plugin made also by Fredo6. It’s called Joint Push Pull – v2.0b – 17 Jul 11

Check the link. It allows to extrude ANY surface (or offset) No mater how bended it is.

I will just say AWESOME!!! 🙂

This way with free Fredo6 plugins we can do any shape and deform nearly anyhow. Type TAB to access options (thickening, continuity parameter, etc…)

joint push pull


(How to deform something anyhow I will write another time :))

Sketchup – My best plugins by Fredo6

Sketchup itself is a great program but lacks many features. Fortunately there are thousands free plugins on the Internet which easily allow you to do nearly everything.

There is one plugin creator which deserve a special mention – Fredo6

You can find his latest plugins on (you need to register there).

First you need to download a common library and instal it like a normal plugin.

[Plugin Library] LibFredo6 – v4.7c – 09 Apr 13

Next you can instal any of the following plugins:

In my opinion the best one are FredoScale, then Curviloft, RoundCorners, ThruPaint from FredoTools and GhostComp to handle heavy skp models.

Fredo Tools



Now you can do what Rhino can do or 3DS Max but easier and in more friendly environment. Good luck and have fun 🙂

AutoCAD – update attributes in blocks

Did you ever created a block with attributes and wanted to amend them? AutoCad doesn’t update your changes to a block. I usually was creating a new block from the beginning to have it like I want. But there is a way – easy to remember – I call it Batman. You need to type a command BATTMAN. It opens Block Attribute Manager. All you need to do is to choose your block from the extendable list and click “Sync” button. Changes you made to your block will be implemented.


(Don’t ask me why it’s not done automatically after block amendments!)

How to replace gradient background with transparency in PS.

Photoshop Tip1 – Blend with Altphotoshop tip 1

Recently in my work for a different graphic designer I needed to remove from my B&W render with lights only (Vray Raw Lightning channel) all black color leaving only white light with a transparent background. I couldn’t render it but after some search I have found a way how to do it in Photoshop. This is how to:

1.Copy your image to a new layer. Optionally, place empty layer below.

2.Double-click the new layer thumbnail to open the Blending Options dialog.

3.In the “Blend If” section, drag the “This Layer” black slider to the right to remove the completely black background, then hold down Alt (Option on Mac) and drag the right half of that slider further to the right until you see the effect you’re looking for. (See the attached image)

4.Select All (Ctl/Cmd-A) and Copy Merged (Ctl/Cmd-Shift-C) then paste wherever you need the new layer with transparent background. (NOTE: If you have other layers below this layer, turn them off before copying so that all you retain the is transparency.) Optionally, Merge Down with empty layer.

5. At the end with Levels (Ctr-L) shift all grays to white.

I did it for shadows also (Vray Raw Shadows channel) I hope my readers will find application for this trick.

(SOURCE: ““)

CAD Software Tips & Tricks