Back in 2015 when I started learning programing macros in SharpDevelop in Revit to change different parameter’s value like Sheet names, Room numbers or custom Parameters, I decided to find a time saving solution to something more serious.
In our office there was a need to create about 35 Sheet Sets for printing purposes from few hundreds of drawings in our project. Sheets created in our project were divided to series. Because we wanted to have more descriptive information in project browser then just a simple Sheet number we added a custom Project Parameter to Sheets called “Drawing Sheet Series”. (i.e. Sheets begging with number 20 had this parameter set to “(20) General Arrangment”)
This way all the sheets in our project were divided.
As a beginner to start with this task I needed some help. I didn’t know how to alter Revit print settings. It wasn’t easy to understand Revit API help file but I found a useful macro at Boos Your BIM web page (link is hear) which is creating a Sheet Set from Sheets containing in their number specific letters. In my case I needed to do it for all Sheets therefor changes were required. Additionally because it was written in C# and I was more fluent in VB.Net I decided to translate it.
Below you can find a final macro prepared for Revit 2015:
' ' Created by SharpDevelop. ' User: Pawel.Paszkiewicz ' Date: 28/10/2015 ' Time: 18:35 ' ' Change "Drawing Sheet Series" text to the name of your Sheet Parameter which segragets sheets. ' Imports System Imports Autodesk.Revit.UI Imports Autodesk.Revit.DB Imports Autodesk.Revit.DB.Architecture Imports Autodesk.Revit.UI.Selection Imports System.Collections.Generic Imports System.Linq Imports System.Diagnostics Imports System.Text <Autodesk.Revit.Attributes.Transaction(Autodesk.Revit.Attributes.TransactionMode.Manual)> _ <Autodesk.Revit.DB.Macros.AddInId("80CD1D8D-FB71-49FA-94F0-2BDACB7CD2C9")> _ Partial Public Class ThisDocument Private Sub Module_Startup(ByVal sender As Object, ByVal e As System.EventArgs) Handles Me.Startup End Sub Private Sub Module_Shutdown(ByVal sender As Object, ByVal e As System.EventArgs) Handles Me.Shutdown End Sub #Region "This is the code to be collapsed" Public Sub CreatePrintSet_from_DrawingSheetSeriesParameter() 'If you are copying this macro to Application-Level Macro (computer specific macro) remove ".application" after "Me." below an change "Partial Public Class ThisDocument" to "ThisApplication" above. Dim curDoc As Document = Me.Application.ActiveUIDocument.Document 'This is a list to store all Sheet parameter values for comparison Dim SheetParamlist As New List(Of String) 'This is a list to store all Print Sets actually created Dim createdPrintSets As New List(Of String) 'get list of all sheets in project file Dim sheetList As List(Of ViewSheet) = getAllSheets(curDoc) 'get list of all ViewSheetSets in project file For Each curSheet As ViewSheet In sheetList Dim DrawingSheetSeries As String If curSheet.LookupParameter("Drawing Sheet Series").AsString IsNot Nothing DrawingSheetSeries = curSheet.LookupParameter("Drawing Sheet Series").AsString 'Make a VPrint Set only for Sheets in a specific group defined by parameter If DrawingSheetSeries.Contains("") Then 'Leave empty if you don't need to filter parameter names 'If you need to filter off some parameter names add text between "". i.e DrawingSheetSeries.Contains("24") 'Check if a sheet is already added to a print set by checking if its parametre is on the list If SheetParamlist.Contains(DrawingSheetSeries) Then Else 'add parameter to the list and make a print set from all drawings with this parameter Dim newViewSet As New ViewSet SheetParamlist.Add(DrawingSheetSeries) 'this adds all drawings to a new print set For Each Sheetinlist As ViewSheet In sheetList If DrawingSheetSeries = Sheetinlist.LookupParameter("Drawing Sheet Series").AsString Then newViewSet.Insert(Sheetinlist) End If Next 'get the PrintManger from the current document Dim printManager As PrintManager = curDoc.PrintManager 'set this PrintManager to use the "Selected Views/Sheets" option printManager.PrintRange = PrintRange.Select 'get the ViewSheetSetting which manages the view/sheet set information of current document Dim viewSheetSetting As ViewSheetSetting = printManager.ViewSheetSetting 'set the views in this ViewSheetSetting to the newly created ViewSet viewSheetSetting.CurrentViewSheetSet.Views = newViewSet Dim setName As String = DrawingSheetSeries 'create transaction Using curTrans As New Transaction(curDoc, "Create Sheet Sets") curTrans.Start() Try 'Save the current view sheet set to another view/sheet set with the specified name. viewSheetSetting.SaveAs(setName) 'commit changes curTrans.Commit createdPrintSets.Add(setName) 'handle the exception that will occur if there is already a view/sheet set with this name Catch ex As Autodesk.Revit.Exceptions.InvalidOperationException Dim td As New TaskDialog("TaskDialog") td.CommonButtons = TaskDialogCommonButtons.Ok td.CommonButtons = TaskDialogCommonButtons.Cancel 'td.MainIcon = TaskDialogIcon.TaskDialogIconWarning td.AllowCancellation = True td.MainInstruction = "Print Set """ & setName & """ is already in use" td.ExpandedContent = "Existing print set will be renamed to: ""name_old1"" (or ""_ 2__etc.)." & Environment.NewLine & "New print set will be named: ""name_1"" (or ""_ 2__etc.)." td.MainContent = "What would you like to do:" td.AddCommandLink(TaskDialogCommandLinkId.CommandLink1, "Replace existing Print Set") td.AddCommandLink(TaskDialogCommandLinkId.CommandLink2, "Rename existing Print Set") td.AddCommandLink(TaskDialogCommandLinkId.CommandLink3, "Rename this Print Set") Dim tdResult As TaskDialogResult = td.Show() curTrans.RollBack() 'OPTION 1: If user clicks the first command link: "Replace existing Print Set" If TaskDialogResult.CommandLink1 = tdResult Then curTrans.Start() Dim VSSList As List(Of ViewSheetSet) = getAllViewSheetSets(curDoc) For Each viewSheetSet0 As ViewSheetSet In VSSList If viewSheetSet0.Name = setName Then viewSheetSetting.CurrentViewSheetSet.Views = newViewSet viewSheetSetting.SaveAs(setName & "_temp") viewSheetSetting.CurrentViewSheetSet = viewSheetSet0 viewSheetSetting.Delete Dim VSSList3 As List(Of ViewSheetSet) = getAllViewSheetSets(curDoc) For Each viewSheetSet1 As ViewSheetSet In VSSList3 If viewSheetSet1.Name = (setName & "_temp") Then viewSheetSetting.CurrentViewSheetSet = viewSheetSet1 viewSheetSetting.Rename(setName) End If Next End if Next curTrans.Commit createdPrintSets.Add(setName) 'OPTION 2: If user clicks the first command link: "Rename existing Print Set" ElseIf TaskDialogResult.CommandLink2 = tdResult Then curTrans.Start() Dim VSSList1 As List(Of ViewSheetSet) = getAllViewSheetSets(curDoc) For Each viewSheetSet2 As ViewSheetSet In VSSList1 If viewSheetSet2.Name = setName Then viewSheetSetting.CurrentViewSheetSet.Views = newViewSet viewSheetSetting.SaveAs(setName & "_temp") viewSheetSetting.CurrentViewSheetSet = viewSheetSet2 Try viewSheetSetting.Rename(setName & "_old1") TaskDialog.Show("ViewSetRenameOld","Existing print set was renamed to: """ & setName & "_old1""") Catch ex2 As Autodesk.Revit.Exceptions.InvalidOperationException curTrans.RollBack() Dim VSSList4 As List(Of ViewSheetSet) = getAllViewSheetSets(curDoc) Dim i As Integer = 1 Dim Z As Boolean = False Do While Z = False For Each viewSheetSet4 As ViewSheetSet In VSSList4 If viewSheetSet4.Name = (setName & "_old" & i) Then i = i + 1 Else Z = True End If Next Loop curTrans.Start() viewSheetSetting.SaveAs(setName & "_old" & i) TaskDialog.Show("ViewSetRenameOld","Existing print set was renamed to: """ & setName & "_old" & i) End Try End If Next Dim VSSList2 As List(Of ViewSheetSet) = getAllViewSheetSets(curDoc) For Each viewSheetSet3 As ViewSheetSet In VSSList2 If viewSheetSet3.Name = setName & "_temp" Then viewSheetSetting.CurrentViewSheetSet = viewSheetSet3 viewSheetSetting.Rename(setName) End If Next curTrans.Commit createdPrintSets.Add(setName) 'OPTION 3: If user clicks the second command link: "Rename this Print Set" ElseIf TaskDialogResult.CommandLink3 = tdResult Then Try curTrans.Start() 'Save the current view sheet set to another view/sheet set with the specified name. viewSheetSetting.SaveAs(setName & "_1") 'commit changes curTrans.Commit createdPrintSets.Add(setName & "_1") 'handle the exception that will occur if there is already a view/sheet set with this name Catch ex1 As Autodesk.Revit.Exceptions.InvalidOperationException curTrans.RollBack() Dim VSSList As List(Of ViewSheetSet) = getAllViewSheetSets(curDoc) Dim i As Integer = 1 Dim Z As Boolean = False Do While Z = False For Each viewSheetSet2 As ViewSheetSet In VSSList If viewSheetSet2.Name = (setName & "_" & i) Then i = i + 1 Else Z = True End If Next Loop curTrans.Start() viewSheetSetting.SaveAs(setName & "_" & i) curTrans.Commit createdPrintSets.Add(setName & "_" & i) End Try Else End If End Try End Using End If Else End If Else End If Next If createdPrintSets.Count = 0 Then TaskDialog.Show("End", "NO PRINT SETS CREATED!") Else TaskDialog.Show("End", "No of Prints Sets Created: "& createdPrintSets.Count & Environment.NewLine & Environment.NewLine & "Names of Print Sets Created: "& Environment.NewLine & (String.Join(Environment.NewLine, createdPrintSets.ToArray))) End If End Sub #End Region '---------------------------------------------------- 'collector '---------------------------------------------------- Public Function getAllSheets(curDoc As Document) As List(Of ViewSheet) 'get all views Dim sheetCollector As New FilteredElementCollector(curDoc) sheetCollector.OfCategory(BuiltInCategory.OST_Sheets) Dim SheetsCollection As New List(Of ViewSheet) For Each x As ViewSheet In sheetCollector.ToElements SheetsCollection.Add(x) Next Return SheetsCollection End Function Public Function getAllViewSheetSets(curDoc As Document) As List(Of ViewSheetSet) 'get all ViewSheetSets Dim VSSCollector As New FilteredElementCollector(curDoc) VSSCollector.OfClass(GetType(ViewSheetSet)) Dim VSSCollection As New List(Of ViewSheetSet) For Each s As ViewSheetSet In VSSCollector.ToElements VSSCollection.Add(s) Next Return VSSCollection End Function End Class
Additionally I added a function which asks you what to do when an a Print Set is existing.
Please find below links download Revit files with this macro for Revit 2014, 2015 and 2016 version:
Hope it will be useful.